Watch the most innovative stories—Documentary, Comedy, Sci-fi, Horror, Experimental, Animation, Inspiration, Student films, Award winners more short films. On Anna’s birthday, Elsa and Kristoff are determined to give her the best . Shorts can have tremendous value, though even the best of them tend to fly under the radar.
What is your favorite short film, and why? Despite this year’s overall horribleness, it’s been a great year for short films. Out of the 2000-plus I’ve seen this year, here are my favorites.
From Sundance darlings to a ‘Simpsons’ parody, here are the best ten short films you can watch in their entirety right now on your computer.
Watch the best short films from around the world over the last few decades, including many Oscar winners, or enter. The FILMSshort competition seeks to find the . List of G-Rated short films, ranked from best to worst with movie trailers when available. This list takes the best G-Rated short films and pits them against each .