Secret Superstar is an upcoming Indian musical drama film, written and directed by Advait Chandan and produced by Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao. The film features Zaira Wasim, Meher Vij and Aamir Khan in lead roles, tells the story of a child who aspires to be a singer. The film is scheduled for release on Diwali 2017.
Zaira Wasim in Secret Superstar (2017) Raj Arjun in Secret Superstar (2017) . Secret Superstar traces the journey of Insia, a year old girl from Vadodara, whose dream of becoming a. YOGI ADITYANATH In As SECRET.
Secret Superstar 20Trailer Leaked Aamir Khan This is the fan made Movie trailer. Secret) Superstar (2017) – Trailers, Review, Songs, Images, News, Synopsis, Plot, Cast Crew, Wallpapers, Video Clips, User Review, User Rating. Alles zum Film Secret Superstar: Reviews, Trailer, Bilder, Kinoprogramm, Wallpapers und vieles mehr.
Secret Superstar is a story about year old Insia, who wants to be a singer, her mother Najma, and their dreams and aspirations.