Revolver ist ein Gangster-Film (Action, Crime, Drama) des Autors und Regisseurs Guy Ritchie. Revolver in der Internet Movie Database (englisch). According to Brian Orndorf, Revolver is the perfect movie for those who like to crack things open and dig around the innards, saying that it .
This seems to be a deliberate choice by the director to reinforce the movie’s philosophical themes. Alle Infos zum Film Revolver (2005): Jason Statham will in Guy Ritchies Thriller Revolver als Ex-Knacki den großen Casino-Coup landen, doch. BEST MOVIE EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR FUCK SCARFACE GOOD FELLOWS. REVOLVER, a Guy Ritchie film, stars Jason Statham, Ray Liotta, Vincent Pastore and. Revolver taps into a struggle everyone faces that only a small few have been able to relate to.
It’s not that this film isn’t a mess, but . Runtime: 1minutesDirected By: Guy RitchieGenre: Action Adventure, Drama, Mystery. Totally mind blowing explanation on the. I have loved the movie Revolver and I cannot control my urge of fully understand it.
From what I could make out of the movie, it is purely an . Guy Ritchie’s Revolver is a frothing mad film that thrashes against its very. The movie (made in 20but just now getting a U.S. release) .