Piper is a 20computer-animated short film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. Written and directed by Alan Barillaro, it was theatrically released alongside . Piper: Alan Barillaro, Marc Sondheimer: Amazon Digital.
RezensionenBuy Piper: Read 3Movies TV Reviews – Amazon. Director Alan Barillaro, left, and producer Marc Sondheimer accept Best Animated Short Film for Piper on Sunday onstage during the 89th . Alan Barillaro says he’s still unpacking the events surrounding his Oscar win on Sunday for his animated short Piper. Alan Barillaro, left, and Marc Sondheimer accept the award for best animated short film for Piper at the Oscars on Sunday, Feb.
Written and directed by Alan Barillaro, but with the support of the entire Pixar team, Piper won the Best Short Animation Oscar in 2017. A hungry sandpiper hatchling ventures from her nest for the first time to dig for food by the shoreline. The problem is, the food is buried in the sand where scary . Alan Barillaro and Marc Sondheimer win best .