The Congress is directed by Ari Folman, nominated for Best Documentary Film for his animated feature debut, Waltz With Bashir. See the list of Animated Feature Film nominees for Oscars 2017. Get the full list of Oscar nominations, view photos and videos for the 89th Academy Awards.
Best Animated Feature Film nominees announced for The 89th Academy Awards. Disney’s Zootopia just won an Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film at the 89th Academy Awards. The film was up against Moana, Kubo and . Verleihung der Oscars (englisch 89th Academy Awards) für das Filmjahr 20fand am.
Ade (Kategorie: Bester fremdsprachiger Film) und der Schweizer Beitrag Mein Leben als Zucchini von Claude Barras (Bester Animationsfilm). Mit dem Oscar für den besten Animationsfilm werden die Regisseure eines Animationsfilms seit. Oscar Nominees 2017: Full List And Projected Winners. Disney animation continues its streak of Oscar domination: Zootopia, co-directed by Byron Howard and Rich Moore, scooped up Best Animated . Here are my nominations for my very own Animated .