And as for alot more clothes and shoes. You can consider it a mini-store for Fuse content. In order to use the clothing in Fuse you must import the custom body first.
Where the body has specific UV requirements, clothing does not, . I definitly need help to import some clothes I made with Marvellous designer. If I model a character in Fuse, Export it, modify and then import . Name: Clothing Set – Medieval Dress Price: Free Type: Fuse Asset Link:. I have downloaded some clothing items into a Fuse directory.
However when I go to import them by using Import clothing option in files. Clothing automatically reshapes to fit to any character. New in Fuse CC (Preview), upload to your Creative Cloud Library, and then pose or animate your 3D . Is there any other ways to import new clothes (speficialy horns) to Fuse?