Java hashset get element

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There would be no point of getting the element if it is equal. Why doesn’t Set provide an operation to get an element that equals another element? Exactly as the original Java HashSet, a MagicHashSet (which is one of the implementations of MagicSet provided in the library) .

If you know what element you want to retrieve, then you already have the element. The only question for a Set to answer, given an element, . I’ve seen other questions about getting objects from Set’s based on. A set is a collection of objects which treats a.

From the Oracle docs: As implied by its name, this interface models the mathematical. When you iterate over a LinkedHashSet, you will get the elements in the order you inserted. You still need to use an iterator, because . Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at . Forum Java Basics – Anfänger-Themen – Hej Leute, ich hoffe ihr fasst das nicht als . The iterator() method is used to get an iterator over the elements in this set.

This article explains how to insert and retrieve values from a Set or HashSet in Java. This article explains about retrieving values from a Set or HashSet using .