Even a woman not already lactating can induce lactation enough to create the special closeness fostered by breastfeeding. Induced lactation depends on the successful replication of this process. If you have months to prepare, your health care provider might prescribe hormone .
More recently, women who adopt infants and want to breastfeed them are also seeking ways to induce lactation. I have done this myself and many women world wide for some reason or another have also induced lactation. Its a fairly simple process that just . This term is gradually being replaced with the term induced lactation.
You may be familiar with the term “wet nurse”, which refers to a woman who breastfed . This guide to maximizing breastmilk production came about as a result of Lenore’s own experience with induced lactation. In 199 she set about trying to find a . The quicker, more reliable, way to induce lactation is to temporarily manipulate hormone levels. The trick is to get your body to think you’ve just had a baby. The Accelerated Protocol for inducing lactation is suitable for intended or adoptive mothers who have little time to prepare, or for mothers who wish to relactate.
I’m interested in trying to induce lactation so that I can breastfeed the baby that my husband and I are adopting. Galactogogues: medications that induce lactation. Author information: (1)Drug Information and Medication Use .