Literatur: Mobile Sport, Optimal trainieren mit dem. Granacher et al, Neuromuskuläre Auswirkun- gen von Krafttraining im Kindes- und Jugend- alter. Swiss Exercise ball by Theragear is one of todays top fitness tools.
Swissball is known as stability ball, yoga ball, balance ball, pilates ball or gym ball. Eingesetzt wird er sowohl zu Therapiezwecken als auch im Sportunterricht oder Training. Mit seinen Jahren ist der Swissball ein viel benutztes Werkzeug für . Swiss Balls and Gym Balls from PhysioRoom.
Lowest price high quality, anti burst Swiss Balls for use in home exercise programmes, gym rehabilitation, . Improving your core stability is highly beneficial to bettering balance, posture, strength and muscle definition. The Swiss Ball (gym ball, fit ball) is an easy to use . The Swiss Ball (gym ball, fit ball) is a versatile fitness tool that can be used in the home or gym for core strength, core stability, stretching, balance, Yoga and . ThornFit Anti-Burst Gymnastik Ball für Bauch-, Rückentraining und mehr. Anti-burst Gym Ball to improve core stability and back strength. An exercise ball, also known as a Swiss Ball, is a ball constructed of soft elastic with a diameter.
Pezzi ball, stability ball, Swedish ball, therapy ball, or yoga ball.