Video upload youtube

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Du kannst deine Videos ganz einfach in wenigen Schritten auf hochladen. In der folgenden Anleitung erfährst du, wie genau der Upload auf einem . You can upload videos to in a few easy steps.

Use the instructions below to upload your videos from a computer or from a mobile . Derral Eves explains how to properly upload a video. As well as explaining how title, descriptions. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world.

How To Upload Video To 2016. How To Properly Upload Videos To. Copy the video from your camera to your computer.

Before you upload the video to , make any edits that you would like, and then make sure that it is . If you create a video clip, the easy way to post it on your Web site is to first upload it to , which offers tools for compressing and cleaning up your video.