Oculus 360 videos app

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The official Video app from Oculus is your own movie theater in VR! FREE video player for Oculus Rift, Gear VR version conming soon. D – Play videos in 3D – Plays videos of 3degrees – Plays videos of 3degrees.

Create and view 3videos and photos on the Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR and. SyncBac PRO sync product for GoPro cameras and BLINK Hub app. Wie kann ich mit meiner Gear VR eigene 360°-Videos anschauen?

Heruntergeladene oder selbst erstelle 360°-Videos können Sie auf der Gear VR mit der App Oculus 3Videos betrachten.

Hi, i want to show a 3video at a exhibition. Is there a new alternative to it now? I used it for watching 3videos that I shot and uploaded to my S6. Aber Oculus Video bietet Bilder, die Tränen der Begeisterung in die Augen treiben.

Videos sind in diesem Browser nicht verfügbar. Simply don your Gear VR, navigate to the Oculus 3Videos app, and choose your file. You should be able to peer around the environment of . The video shows you how to play 3MPFiles on Samsung Gear VR.

You can play your videos with the.