Equestrian definition

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Equestrian definition, of or relating to horseback riding or horseback riders: equestrian skill. Define equestrian: of or relating to the riding of horses — equestrian in a sentence. Meaning, pronunciation, example sentences, and more from Oxford Dictionaries.

Bedeutung, Definition equestrian: connected with the riding of horses:. Often stereotyped as being snobby and rich the equestrian is usually overlooked as a person who partakes. One side has the wor one side has the definition.

When you know that equus is the Latin word for horse, the meaning of equestrian becomes clear.

An equestrian is someone who is involved with horses. Of or relating to horseback riding or horseback riders. Depicted or represented on horseback: an equestrian statue of a famous monarch. Equestrian Definition: Equestrian means connected with the activity of riding horses. Bedeutung, Aussprache, Übersetzungen und Beispiele.

The word equestrian is a reference to horseback riding, derived from Latin equester and equus, horse. Equestrianism more often known as riding, horseback riding (American English) or horse riding. See additional equestrian sports listed later in this article for more examples. A broad definition of falling often includes being crushed and being thrown from the horse, but when reported separately each of these .